Summer Wanders
Jonathan Grant
Photo by Hannah Persson
This Summer has been out of control in the best way possible. My travels have brought me to
Chicago, South Bend, Grand Rapids, Traverse City, Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Willow Springs, Eliabethtown, Corbin, Mt. Mitchell, Winston Salem, Raleigh, Seattle, Kirkland, San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, San Clemente, Berkeley, Los Angeles... and now back to the midwest!
My time has been occupied with meetings and speaking engagements and conversation after conversation with creatives. The constant theme developing has been the URGENT NEED to craft churches into spaces where we can all create and worship freely... and my messages to churches have been along a similar set of topics. It has been so powerful to hear that creatives and churches all over the United States are re-imagining the ways in which we serve and worship, and are actively working to create space for the people on the fringes of their faith communities! I am so heartened by this!
I have so many exciting updates and projects to share with you all! Stay tuned for updates! My return to Paris has been extended a bit, as I continue to put together a team of partners to help fund and co-dream this ministry, and as I finish up a few projects and commissions and consulting work with churches in the States.
If you share this vision and hope for the possibility and beauty of the Church, I would be honoured to have you partner with what we are working on. Check out my "Partners" page for more info. I still need a few more partners to help make everything come together fully.
Excited to keep dreaming and plotting with you all!