Recent Civic Engagement
Jonathan Grant
One of the benefits of being in Chicago, is being surrounded by a community of activated clergy. Of the pastors and priests I know here, I have a strong crew who are committed to justice, inclusion, radical welcome, restoration, and reparations. It is a community that works across religious boundaries to bring forth change. Many of these I meet with each week, and are some of the clergy who are mentoring me personally. It has been a huge space of transformation for me to be so supported, surrounded, and challenged.
On Monday, a few of us gathered with faith leaders from around the city to stand along side those who will be left vulnerable by the repeal of DACA. We affirmed that our faith is an immigrant faith, that our God is in solidarity with the marginalised, and that we are committed to shepherding faith communities that advocate for immigrants and shield them from policies informed by greed and violence.
We will gather again on March 5th (the day DACA protections are set to expire) If you are around the city at that time, please join us.